Reincarnation Regression

Unconsciousness as a path to authentic self-awareness

Reincarnation Regression Sessions

I have been a practicing regression therapist since 2006, possessing a deep passion for exploring reincarnation. My journey in this field began upon graduating from a two-year Regression School and undertaking a series of intensive training sessions led by Leszek Żądło himself, the creator of the Regression method. Since 2008, I have been conducting individual and group sessions, as well as training, sharing my knowledge and experience. To expand my skills in working with the unconscious, I underwent training in clinical hypnosis at the Polish Ericksonian Institute. Although academic psychology does not recognize reincarnation and is usually skeptical of such phenomena, my own inner exploration has brought me to a point in life where I agree with the words of Carl Gustav Jung: “I don’t believe, I know…”. For me, studying reincarnation is not just a science but also a deeply personal experience. I see incredible potential in this field for discovering and healing our past incarnations and understanding their influence on our present life. My passion is to support people on their spiritual journey, to open doors to their own soul, and to help achieve full self-understanding, restoring inner harmony, and self-acceptance. I invite you to explore the world of reincarnation with me and experience a fascinating journey into the depths of your soul. Together we can uncover the secrets of the past, release obstacles blocking your potentials, and build a stronger connection to your true essence. Be prepared to delve deeper into your being and experience transformation that brings authentic knowledge, insight, and fulfillment.

Most Popular Questions and Answers

Questions and answers regarding reincarnation regression sessions

In this section, you will find a number of frequently asked questions regarding reincarnation regression.

Reincarnation Regression Sessions

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about reincarnation regression sessions:

What is reincarnation regression?

Reincarnation regression is a method of working with the unconscious layer of the mind, to which we usually don't have access or it is significantly limited. Immersion in unconsciousness is supported by conscious breathwork, visualizations, and the guidance of the therapist, who assists and supports the client in this process.


Can I learn about my past lives during the session?

It's not uncommon for a person undergoing a session to reach memories of past lives. However, this is not a prerequisite for a fruitful and effective session.

I advise against participating purely out of curiosity, like, "I'll see who I was in my past life." This is a process that the person should mature into and be fully aware of. Not all truths about ourselves are easy to accept and understand.

Therefore, it's worth asking yourself why you want to participate in the session, what its purpose is for you? What are your intentions towards yourself? What drives you to look behind the veil that most have tightly drawn?


Am I aware of what happens during the session?

During the session, we use various trance phenomena and enter altered states of consciousness. This is a natural function of our mind. However, this doesn't conflict with the participant remembering what happened during the session.


How should I prepare for the session?

To prepare for the session, there are several crucial considerations to keep in mind. Refrain from using psychoactive substances, stimulants, recreational drugs, alcohol, etc., at least a week before and after the session.


How long does a reincarnation regression session last?

The expected duration of a session usually ranges from 1.5 to 2 hours.

The first session is slightly longer, as I take the time to explain the rules and purpose of the session. I introduce the client to the topic, explaining precisely what reincarnation regression is, and instruct about the conscious breath, which will be an essential element of the entire process.

Moreover, I am available to answer any questions and clarify any doubts, ensuring the client feels comfortable and understands before starting the session.

Book a session


If you have any questions, I'd be happy to answer them
  • +48 794-417-053